At Palm Valley Eye we are here to help you navigate the best approach to cataract surgery.

We provide both traditional and the latest technology in regards to surgical options and intraocular lenses. We are not here to sell surgery, we are here to help you reach your visual needs and goals.


At Palm Valley Eye we are here to help you navigate the best approach to cataract surgery.

We provide both traditional and the latest technology in regards to surgical options and intraocular lenses. We are not here to sell surgery, we are here to help you reach your visual needs and goals.


A cataract is a gradual clouding of the natural lens of the eye. The clouding affects light as it passes through the lens, resulting in blurred vision. Most cataracts are related to age. By the age of 80, more than half of all Americans either have cataracts or have undergone cataract surgery. If left untreated, cataracts will gradually worsen and can affect your ability to perform regular functions like driving, reading, and watching tv. In some cases, they can become so severe that they lead to blindness.

Symptoms of a Cataract

• Clouded or blurry vision
• Colors seem faded
• Glare from headlights, lamps or sunlight
• Halos around lights
• Poor night vision
• Double vision or multiple images in one eye
• Frequent prescription changes in your eyeglasses or contact lenses

Shane Coughlin


Shane Coughlin


At Palm Valley Eye, we offer both traditional and laser-assisted cataract surgery. There are many lens and treatment options. After a thorough examination and appropriate testing, your doctor will discuss your goals and, as a team, you will decide on the treatment that will best achieve your goals.

At Palm Valley Eye, we are not here to sell you anything other than excellent vision and eye health.

Cataract surgery is an outpatient procedure. Dr. Scott offers surgery at Ponte Vedra Beach Surgery Center and Jacksonville Beach Surgery Center.

During cataract surgery, a patient can expect to be lightly sedated with IV medications. In most cases, patients are not put under general anesthesia, although an anesthesia professional is present. The surgery is performed with the patient lying on their back and under a microscope. Incisions are created in the front part of the eye (cornea), a circular hole is created in the front part of the lens capsule, the cataract is broken apart and vacuumed out, and adherent tissue is further removed. An intraocular lens is then positioned into the natural lens capsule, or “bag”, surgical material is cleaned from the eye, and the wounds are stabilized. Patients may wear a shield for the initial post-operative period and will use eye drops for approximately 4 weeks. Activity should be limited to protect the incisions and eye in the first week after surgery.

cataract surgery palm valley eye care
At Palm Valley Eye, we offer both traditional and laser-assisted cataract surgery. There are many lens and treatment options. After a thorough examination and appropriate testing, your doctor will discuss your goals and, as a team, you will decide on the treatment that will best achieve your goals.

At Palm Valley Eye, we are not here to sell you anything other than excellent vision and eye health.

Cataract surgery is an outpatient procedure. Dr. Scott offers surgery at Ponte Vedra Beach Surgery Center and Jacksonville Beach Surgery Center.

During cataract surgery, a patient can expect to be lightly sedated with IV medications. In most cases, patients are not put under general anesthesia, although an anesthesia professional is present. The surgery is performed with the patient lying on their back and under a microscope. Incisions are created in the front part of the eye (cornea), a circular hole is created in the front part of the lens capsule, the cataract is broken apart and vacuumed out, and adherent tissue is further removed. An intraocular lens is then positioned into the natural lens capsule, or “bag”, surgical material is cleaned from the eye, and the wounds are stabilized. Patients may wear a shield for the initial post-operative period and will use eye drops for approximately 4 weeks. Activity should be limited to protect the incisions and eye in the first week after surgery.



In laser-assisted cataract surgery, the femtosecond laser may replace or assist use of a hand-held surgical tool for the following steps in cataract surgery:

• Incisions on the front part of the eye for cataract surgery
• Incisions on the front part of the eye to treat astigmatism
• Anterior capsulotomy, or the circular hole made in the lens capsule
• Fragmentation of the lens and cataract

Use of the laser can improve the precision, accuracy and reproducibility of each of these steps, potentially reducing risks and improving outcomes of cataract surgery in some patients.


Today there are a wide variety of lenses to choose from. At Palm Valley Eye we get to know the lifestyle and visual needs you want to achieve, so that we can choose the intraocular lens that is best suited for you.


Monofocal lenses are designed to provide clear vision at a single focal point (usually far away for good driving vision, for example). With monofocal lenses you must wear eyeglasses or contact lenses in order to use a computer, read or perform other close up tasks. Another option is to utilize Monovision and place one ocular lens focused for distance and one for near.


Toric IOLs are premium intraocular lenses that correct astigmatism. They are also set to focus on one distance, usually far away.

Astigmatism may also be corrected by performing limbal relaxing incisions, or LRIs. Sometimes the two procedures must be combined to achieve effective results.


Multifocal IOLs can reduce your need for reading glasses or computer glasses after cataract surgery. These lenses are designed to provide both distance and near or intermediate focal points.

Improve Your Vision at Palm Valley Eye Care & Surgeons.

Fill out our request appointment form to find out how we can help or call our clinic to learn more.
Most major insurances are accepted.

Appointment: 904-712-3315

Clinic Location:
Ponte Vedra Beach